Dear Chatex community members!
Finally, after several weeks of the nerve-wracking silent period that was hard to go through for all of us, investors and followers included, we are ready to bring some light to the situation that forced us to put the two remaining tokensales on hold.
First of all, we want to thank you, dear Chatex Family, for your patience and dedication! We understand how anxious you were during the waiting period up until this point and want to comfort you with a healthy portion of good news!
Read further to find out about the future of $CHTX!
Why, oh Why Has Chatex Turned Down Both Tokensales?
So, three weeks ago, the Chatex tokensale on DAO Maker had an incredible 5,841 registrations, which is excellent when comparing the average number of applicants for other DAO pad round projects. But then, just as the $CHTX distribution was about to occur for the lucky allocation winners, the team halted the entire operation. WHAT? WHY? Treachery among us, that’s why. Unfortunately, we had an employee allegedly threaten the reputation of Chatex, which by proxy endangers the reputation of our partners like DAO Maker and Infinity Pad, and investors.
Despite possible negative feedback from the community for putting the DAO Maker tokensale round and the whole fundraising on hold, we stopped the tokensale immediately due to the reason explained above. We are 100% confident in our decision to mitigate all possible risks for Chatex and all of its associates during this long and silent period. We want to offer our most sincere apologies for the uncomfortable silence the past few weeks; it was a requirement from legal.
Now, everything is most excellent, and we’re ready to rocket towards our common goal: making DeFi and Cryptobanking Simple, Secure, and Accessible for anyone.
What’s next?
But before we tell you about the new surprises, the good news.
Both tokensales, the DAO Maker and the Infinity Pad, are coming back! Please wait for the dates and watch our socials so you don’t miss it…👀
The details and allocation sizes are staying the same. So that means, every member of the Chatex community now has a chance to participate in BOTH tokensales!
The last DAO Maker tokensale wasn’t really accessible for our community, as it demanded at least 2,000 DAO locked for 10 days before the event. While the new participation rules were announced just before the tokensale.
Read our DAO Maker SHO participation guide to ensure you don’t miss your new chance of getting a $CHTX allocation!
But don’t you be down if you don’t win one! We will also announce several contests and challenges on our official social media channels with prize pools full of $CHTX allocations! It will enable the most active token holders to get the $CHTX tokens fairly by supporting us.
Long story short, it’s good to be back in the game! The next couple of weeks are going to be hot 🔥🥵🔥
Chatex is here to make the entire DeFi world as simple, secure, and accessible for the global community as it can be.
Don’t miss out — stay tuned to our updates in our Telegram group and Twitter. Just join us, and be ready for some great stuff!
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