Chatex Savings Explained

The Simplest Crypto Savings Account for Gaining Passive Income

11 min readAug 11, 2021
Chatex Savings

Introduction to Chatex Savings

The Chatex Cryptobank is currently Telegram’s 2nd largest cryptocurrency-based application used by over 325,000 active users and with over $165 million in trade volume. Our mission with the upcoming $CHTX token sale is to scale our application and bridge the world of CeFi and DeFi so that users the world over can seamlessly participate in the DeFi ecosystem and gain a passive crypto income. All in a simple, accessible, and secure fashion with a crypto savings account that is available right from the comfort of your Telegram messenger application.

While DeFi provides the opportunity to make a passive crypto income, doing so is quite challenging and expensive for both newcomers to the cryptocurrency market and experienced participants. Thanks to our upcoming Token Sale, existing product suite, and the release of Chatex Savings, those difficulties will become no more! With Chatex, participating in DeFi becomes blatantly easy for anyone.

Introducing Chatex Savings: DeFi without barriers

Chatex Savings VS DeFi

As we told you in our first article, getting 300% APY within the DeFi market is possible. But it’s not that simple. There’re many obstacles to overcome. With the introduction of Chatex Savings as a part of the Chatex Cryptobank, crypto enthusiasts, traders, and not so tech-savvy common folk who participate in DeFi will quite literally be changed forever for the better. But to understand how you can easily achieve a solid APY with Chatex Savings, let’s find out what people should do today to earn at least something on DeFi platforms.

Passive Income Generation through DeFi

Earning a passive crypto income with DeFi requires a deep technical and fundamental understanding of how the cryptocurrency industry and various DeFi applications function. Before Chatex Savings release, one would need to spend countless hours on:

  • Researching various (amongst hundreds) of DeFi protocols and aspects like Automated Market Making & Yield Farming.
  • Identifying which protocols to park their assets in for decent returns.
  • Familiarizing themselves with the ever-so-different UI/UX of each platform.
  • Worrying about losing funds due to possibly allocating funds to protocols of questionable quality and potential scams.

Overcoming these knowledge barriers and acquiring the expertise needed to utilize DeFi is often an extremely arduous task for ordinary people, crypto enthusiasts, and even experienced traders. So much so that they often pass on the opportunity to make a considerable passive crypto income. Why?

Let’s figure it out step-by-step?

There are a few methods to farm tokens in DeFi: borrowing, lending, allocating capital to liquidity pools, and staking liquidity provider tokens.

Which of them should one select?

Users earn tokens for participating in lending and borrowing activities on the platform. Thus, increasing one’s returns.

Additionally, one can provide liquidity to liquidity pools and be rewarded for that as well. For instance, earning BAL tokens for providing liquidity to Balancer. It’s also possible to stake LP tokens obtained for participating in liquidity pools.

But to acquire this profit, a person must perform multiple actions and sometimes wait for weeks or months.

Let’s deconstruct this process piece by piece with a real example:

It seems like a lot, doesn’t it?

Let’s dive deeper into a real example to figure it out.

Meet Jason. He wants to earn money, but he must make many sophisticated steps to start earning on DeFi. Let’s explore his path to get a better understanding of the DeFi lifecycle.

Even though Jason took the risk of losing money, made many efforts, and spent much time to pass this exhausting farming process, in the end, he may lose his small amount of invested ETH.

To farm or not to farm? That is the question. Whatever your answer may be, what’s for sure before the Chatex Savings release, there was no easy way to earn in DeFi.

How Does Chatex Savings Work?

We’re building Chatex Savings in a way that all those who wish to participate in DeFi can do so without ever having to leave the all-familiar Telegram messenger. So, you don’t need to pass all the steps described above. Instead, making use of our crypto savings account with us will quite literally be as easy as making a few clicks in the app without having to spend countless hours, days, or weeks on research. Let’s see how it works then, shall we?

Step 1)

As you can see via the image above, we have accessed our Chatex cryptocurrency wallet and can see a balance of nearly $14 USDT. Therefore, to participate in Chatex Savings, a user would click the “Savings” button.

Step 2)

Next, the currency allocated to Chatex Savings is shown, the allowable amount (the minimum of $10!), our annual percentage yield, and its distribution frequency. As you can see, one can store their assets in Chatex Savings as long as they want. Click “Create deposit” to continue.

Step 3)

Chatex will then ask how much USDT you’d like to deposit to Chatex Savings. We’ll allocate 10 USDT for this example.

Step 4)

The application then provides us with some additional important information. We now click “Create deposit”.

Step 5)

And voila! There we have it. In just five clicks within the Chatex Savings feature, we can now sit back and wait for our first passive crypto income to start coming in two days. Quite simple, isn’t it?

Step 6)

We should have told Jason about Chatex Savings 😂

With Chatex Savings, partaking in DeFi and earning a passive crypto income will be as easy, secure, and accessible as it possibly can be.

The Chatex Savings Feature in Details

The Chatex Savings feature, which will be available for the masses shortly after the completion of the $CHTX token sale this August, provides anyone with the possibility to profit by combining existing CeFi and DeFi solutions.

  • Chatex users will be able to deposit their assets and receive passive crypto income daily from a combination of the crypto market’s various DeFi strategies with no effort.
  • Users can withdraw their earnings at any time by just clicking on one button.
  • Our analytics team will regularly update the strategies used by Chatex and the available asset list in active cooperation with financial and crypto experts to provide Chatex users with the best returns.
  • So, our users don’t have to spend much time researching, tracking, and managing their assets.

Chatex will integrate with major DeFi platforms on Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and the Huobi Eco Chain to provide users with the most popular and secure DeFi protocols to generate passive crypto income and enjoy additional rewards in the form of $CHTX tokens.

Where does the additional income in Chatex Savings come from?

The expert analytics team has applied a proprietary backbone within Chatex Cryptobank to discover and utilize the best possible DeFi strategies to optimize earnings on assets allocated by users. The group selects leading DeFi protocols such as Compound, Uniswap, 1inch, SushiSwap, and Balancer to provide optimized returns to all users simply and securely.

The Workflow for Depositing Funds in Chatex Savings

  • Let’s imagine you’re a Chatex Cryptobank user and have some Russian Rubles available on a Qiwi e-wallet or any other of the 169 fiat currencies that our application supports.
  • You could exchange your fiat currency for, say, Tether (USDT) right within the application and then immediately put that USDT to work.
  • Just by depositing USDT and without a requirement to stake anything, you will obtain an annual APY of 7% that is several times higher than in traditional banking and other crypto platforms, including Binance, which provide ~1.2 — 4.5% APY, with 6% APY and AAVE with 0.5–4% APY for Stablecoins.
  • The Chatex Cryptobank will credit your earnings daily, and you can withdraw them at any time. There is no lockup period for APY of 7% and no hidden fees and tricks.
  • Additionally, the Chatex savings feature will allow users to utilize $CHTX tokens to boost their APY for USDT by 25% and other asset savings or Chatex Savings.
  • Users will find that using the Chatex Savings feature and depositing funds with the Chatex Cryptobank is as equally secure as using a modern bank.

Benefits for Early $CHTX Token Holders

Early $CHTX token holders who purchase Tokens at the Chatex token sale event will get the following benefits:

  • Early access to Chatex Savings before the official release
  • Ability to increase Savings APY %
  • Discount on Trading Fees
  • Discount on Withdrawal Fees
  • Upcoming announcements and news will be available on our Twitter and Medium.

The superiority of Chatex Savings in DeFi

As it stands right now and as previously mentioned, participating in various DeFi protocols available in the market carries a burdensome load of complex activities and food for thought that prove to act as tremendous entry barriers for newcomers and experienced cryptocurrency enthusiasts.

No painful transaction fees

For starters, people participating in DeFi on their own have to frequently face hefty fees and deal with investments being more significant than the revenue. The transaction charges become truly draconic due to inadequate network scalability and overpriced fees for services in DeFi protocols themselves. During peak network load times, users who would transfer funds to the Metamask browser-based wallet and then from it to a DeFi protocol or DEX and then back again would end up facing several hundred dollars in fees.

Sounds terrible, right?

But things get worse when we consider that transferring assets from A to B isn’t the only action that’ll rake up fees for DeFi users. For instance, interacting with any Ethereum based smart contract entails having to pay a fee. Also, fees are paid whenever one swaps one token or another on a DEX. And if one is participating in DeFi by themselves and has concerns over the security of their fiat, depositing that fiat into a DEX-based multi-sig escrow wallet carries fees too!

However, with Chatex Savings and our proprietary backbone, all of these fees are no longer a problem as we handle all of these expenses independently. Handling the fees is possible thanks to the economy of scale. We form pools from all users who join Chatex Savings. It enables us to pay all the commissions associated with the DeFi infrastructure at each stage once. It makes the process cost-efficient.

So, the users can allocate their assets via Chatex Savings, and the app will do all of the heavy lifting for them while they can enjoy the passive crypto income.

Always get the best returns

Secondly, DeFi participants often face difficulties figuring out their APR and overall profitability from allocating assets to DeFi protocols. If we factor in the price volatility, a characteristic common amongst all cryptocurrencies, determining one’s profit can become quite hectic. Some resort to using scripts and calculations to determine their gains.

The Chatex backbone automatically and securely allocates users’ funds who are willing to participate in DeFi to the best possible strategies for optimal returns.

The Ultimate UX

Given that there is a vast quantity of DeFi protocols in the market figuring out which one(s) to use is a challenge in and of itself. But further complexity is added to the matter considering that each protocol has its unique UI & UX with which users must familiarize themselves. Having so many choices adds an extra layer of challenge on the path towards putting one’s money to work.

Let’s review just a swap process on Uniswap, the smallest part of the DeFi earning process.

It requires six steps for users to get from beginning to end. And along with that, users are to perform a dramatically high number of actions to earn significant returns. Remember the user journey of Jason from the first section?

Chatex strips that challenge away by providing users with access to DeFi through the ultimate UX in the form of an all-familiar chatbot and chat interface. The Chatex Smart wallet is simple to set up in seconds. And the most crucial part is that you can manage without leaving Telegram. It’s so simple that even your grandmother would be able to earn passive crypto income with Chatex! Below is an example of Chatex Savings in action.

Zero Risks of Losing Funds to Scammers and Hackers

Scam projects and cryptocurrencies have been a persistent and common problem in the crypto market since their inception. DeFi is no different. To not fall victim to an elaborate trap disguised as a DeFi protocol that offers attractive yields but actually is a cover to steal one’s assets requires a hefty amount of research.

Regarding the security risks associated with DeFi, protocols can have smart contract bugs that hackers exploit; liquidity pools can have poor security and get drained, with bad actors making off with liquidity provider assets. Lending and borrowing functionality has also been exploited before.

  • For example, in February 2020, a lending pool on was exploited, resulting in losing $11 million of user funds.
  • Or what about Popsicle Finance losing $25 million of user funds due to a simple bug in the DeF protocols code?

The security of user assets is paramount for the Chatex Cryptobank. Our application and backbone use only the absolute best and vetted DeFi protocols within the cryptocurrency ecosystem. However, if something negative were to happen, Chatex, being a legitimate Cryptobank, would bear all of the risks for the user, guaranteeing that their investments and returns are always safe. Therefore, when using our application and the Chatex Savings feature, users never have to worry about the security of their assets.


The Chatex Savings proprietary backbone will change the DeFi world forever, with a next-generation set of comprehensive solutions already being utilized by over 325,000 users. These custom solutions provide a gateway to the world of DeFi and Crypto, making earning passive crypto income accessible, simple, and secure. With all this in mind, we have high expectations for our upcoming $CHTX Token Sale, as the token will pave the way to accessing its protocols for the masses.

We invite you to stay up to date with our $CHTX Token Sale by subscribing to our Telegram group and Twitter.

Be ready for some great stuff!

